August 26th, 2015

Watch the training replay for August 26th, 2015.

Want to download the audio from this week’s training? Click here to download the full MP3 file.

Intro and Announcements

Video Notes:

Save the Date – October 8-9th in San Diego.

The topic for the next workshop will focus on non-performing notes. We will be sending out a survey soon and will be providing you with more details on the event and we’ll send you a link to RSVP. This workshop is of course free to attend for all current PPMG members.

Looking to add more 2nds to your portfolio?

Please e-mail Aaron at the trade desk at We have several loans for which we’ve recently received collateral, plus this new trade coming in – and hopefully more right behind it.

If you are interested in buying a pool of loans please specify in your email and include your funding range.

These loans are recently boarded, and the homeowner files are to be provided during due diligence (mortgage/DOT, note, credit reports, TLO)

Please submit your bids at this link:

Questions? Please contact Aaron directly.

CFG Update – We had our indicative bid accepted on a pool of 148 junior liens – we’re now aggressively completing our due diligence. In addition to the non-performing juniors there will be a limited amount of performing and re-performing junior liens available.

Hotline Submissions – Please submit all questions through the Hotline submission form. This goes to all of our team members and we will answer within 24-48 hours if not sooner.

Case Study Corner
In this training, you’ll see Travis and Kristyn go through 2 fresh case studies:

Resources From This Training:

Borrower Connect CampaignClick here to download the most recent “Borrower Connect” campaign document.

QWR TrainingClick here to view the QWR training.

In the QWR training, you’ll learn:
– “The What, Why, When & How of Receiving and Responding to a QWR (Qualified Written Request)”
– What to do if you receive a QWR
– What is the difference between a QWR and a CFPB complaint
– What information is going to be requested?
– The facts about QWR

You’ll also see a GREAT case study from fellow PPMG members Alan & Gloria Stratton. In the training we will actually play a live call we recorded between Aaron, Kristyn, Alan, Gloria, and Matt Kelley who discuss a QWR the Strattons just got right before one of their properties went up for sale and you’ll hear the full plan for what to do next. Afterwards, you’ll get to hear more about what happened in the time since that call.

Do you have any additional questions? Please post them in the Facebook group or submit a question to the Hotline.
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My Purchases:

[wlifcon_tag_content tags='813']Paper Profits Mastermind Group
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